Demonstration of endpoint system unavailable execution path 端点系统不可用执行路径的演示
This process can be highly efficient because the instrumentation is fully compiled bytecode, and the code's execution path is extended in about as small a way possible while still collecting data. 这个流程有时极为有效,因为插装是完全经过编译的字节码,并且代码的执行路径以最细化的方式扩展,同时仍然能够收集数据。
This section shows you the difference between the default execution path of an iBATIS application using dynamic SQL and one that uses the Integration Module to create and use static SQL. 本小节展示使用动态SQL的iBATIS应用程序和使用IntegrationModule来创建和使用静态SQL的应用程序的默认执行路径之间的区别。
If the xmlto and xsltproc applications and a JVM are correctly installed on your system and are in your execution path, each of these commands returns version information about that application. 如果xmlto和xsltproc应用程序以及JVM均已正确安装到系统并保存于执行路径,上述命令中的每一个都会返回有关该应用程序的版本信息。
If the xsltproc application is correctly installed on your system and is in your execution path, you should see the information about the version of the command that you are running. 如果xsltproc应用程序已经安装在您的系统上,并且执行路径正确,您应该看到运行的命令的版本信息。
One way to convince Seam to promote a conversation from temporary to long-running is to place a method hosting the@ Begin annotation in its execution path. 说服Seam将临时对话提升到长期运行对话的一种方式是设置一个方法,使其在执行过程中驻留@Begin注释。
They follow the well-trodden execution path of everything going right. 它们遵循每个正确的执行路径。
Waiting for responses from outside the portal server to satisfy incoming requests will introduce latency that cannot be recovered by optimizing the execution path of the portlet code. 如果等待门户服务器外的响应以满足传入请求,将会带来延迟,此延迟不能通过优化Portlet代码的执行路径得到改善。
It's convenient to add the bin directory to your execution path, as it contains wrapper scripts to invoke ARQ from the command line. 如果把bin目录添加到执行路径中非常方便,那是因为它包含从命令行调用ARQ的包装器脚本。
To address the stringent NFRs of a cloud application, it might be worth identifying all use cases that can be resolved with an asynchronous interaction, use them to identify the worker components, and keep the execution path of the app logic as short as possible. 要满足云应用程序严格的NFRs,可能有必要识别所有可通过异步交互来解决的用例,使用它们识别工作应用程序组件,保持应用程序裸机的执行路径尽可能短。
Such portlets can be optimized in their local code execution path only and should not put too much burden on a running portal system. 此类Portlet应仅在其本地代码执行路径中优化,不应对允许的门户系统带来太多的负荷。
Further details are provided in the Demonstration of endpoint system available execution path section later in this article. 本文后面的端点系统可用执行路径演示小节将提供更详细的细节。
The Client Connector must be as efficient as possible, as it will reside within the game footprint and execution path. 客户端连接器必须尽可能地高效,因为它必须驻留在游戏轨迹(footprint)和执行路径(executionpath)中。
This Stateless App pattern's objective is to ensure that the system can simultaneously scale to serve a large number of requests and keep the execution path length to a minimum. 无状态应用程序模式的目标是,确保系统可同时扩展,服务大量请求并保持执行路径尽可能短。
Locks imply ordering dependencies in the code that allow the developer to reason about the execution path and expected results. 锁意味着要整理代码中的依赖性,使开发人员对于执行路径和预期结果有理可循。
Cross component trace shows the execution path of all SCA components, even if the project being referenced is not in the current workspace. 即使所引用的项目不在当前工作区中,交叉组件跟踪也可以显示所有SCA组件的执行路径。
The single most powerful aid you've given yourself is the ID that you pass along your execution path. 您给自己提供的唯一最强大的帮助是沿着执行路径传递的ID。
But then, the same limitation is true of polymorphism& it is only helpful when you cannot constrain an object to a single type for every execution path. 但是,多态性也具有同样的限制-它只在您不能对于每个执行路径将对象约束为单个类型时才有所帮助。
All conditional statements use the truth or falsehood of a conditional expression to determine the execution path. 所有条件语句都利用条件表达式的真或假来决定执行流程。
Analysis of the Effect the Relative Beneficiary Impose to Execution Path in the Process of ERP Implement ERP实施的相关利益者对实施路径的影响
A widely adopted mechanism for dealing with failures is exception handling, encompassing both capturing and logging the error and choosing an alternative execution path in the case of failures. 一种被广泛采用的失败处理机制是异常处理,包括捕获并记录错误,以及在失败发生时选择一个备选执行路径。
An Iteratively Bargaining-based Strategy for Optimizing Service Composition Execution Path 基于迭代Bargaining策略优化服务合成执行路径
It allows developers to explore a code execution path by showing all calls to, or calls from, a selected method. 它允许开发人员通过显示所有调用或一个选定方法的调用,来探索代码的执行路径。
Binary code execution path based on symbolic and actual program execution 基于符号执行与实际执行的二进制代码执行路径分析
Click on the tracked events to view orchestration execution path. 单击跟踪的事件,以查看业务流程执行路径。
This article discusses the implementation of the Query Optimization of the PostgreSQL, and analyzes the kernel part of the optimizer, the generating and choosing of the execution path. 本文讨论了PostgreSQL数据库管理系统请求优化模块的实现,着重分析了优化器的核心部分:执行路径的生成与选择。
To ensure the partition of equivalence classes having a complete coverage, a clipping rule of program execution path called CPC ( Class Path Clipping) is proposed, which can detect whether the type of equivalence classes of program input domain have been completely cut. 为确保划分的等价类的覆盖度完整,本文还提出了一种基于程序执行路径的裁剪规则(ClassPathClipping,CPC),该裁剪准则可以检测出输入域划分的等价类种类是否完整。
A technology of reverse construction of execution path is proposed. 提出了一种程序执行路径逆向构造技术。
Design and implement the socket communication program analysis system. The system can detect run-time problems which result from the use of improper socket function call order. If there are loopholes in the system, it is able to graphically display the code execution path. 设计并实现socket通信程序分析系统,该系统能够对由于socket函数调用顺序不正确所产生的潜在问题进行检测,如果存在漏洞,系统能够以图形化方式再现代码执行轨迹。